Hardware performance factors within a network.

Your hardware is the most influential factor for system performance

Without powerful hardware the network would feel slow and clunky. There are lots of hardware factors that can slow a network.

  • The make, model, clock speed, core count and amount of Cache within the CPU/CPU’s.
  • The amount of CPU’s within the system(if multi CPU system).
  • The amount of RAM  in the system, the speed of the RAM, the access times of the ram and the bus width.
  • The width and speed of the data bus .
  • The amount of L1/2/3 cache within the CPU.
  • The type of hard disk in the system, Magnetic storage would slow a network where as flash(SSD) would make read times for files much quicker but is more expensive.
  • The speed and bus width of the network controller and whether they have built in cache.

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