MS DOS network commands

What is MS DOS?

MS DOS is the back line of windows, it is what windows was built on before the WIMP environment was created. It is used to access information about your system and the network it is connected too, most know it as the command prompt.Capture

Some of the more command commands for networking within the command prompt are:

Ipconfig or ipconfig/all
this will display any network assigned to the network card/adapters within the machine

This command is used to show you how many times a singular network packet of information has to “hop” between destinations to get to its final destination

This shows every current connection to your PC whether it be other computers, external VPN or printers

Ping is used to send 4 packets of data to a site of your choosing to determine whether issues with your network or the external network you are trying to access

Gives information about the network latency between any hops between you and your target destination. For example between 2 colleges on the same WAN if i ping a printer 8 miles away it shows 3 hops their IP addresses and how long it took to get to that destination. Pathping takes longer to generate data than it does to ping the address in question

FTP(File Transfer Protocol
FTP is used to transfer files within a network via and FTP server, any data sent within an FTP server is un-encrypted unless it is uses HTTPS to secure it.

This is used to get information that you can use to diagnose the DNS infrastructure of a network, this tool is only available if the TCP/IP protocol is intalled.



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